MAC Pro Brow Definer 1MM Tip Brow Pencil | Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil Review

Hey there, beauty lovers! It’s your trusted gal pal and makeup aficionado here, ready to spill the tea on MAC’s latest brow product release. As someone who has sworn by MAC’s original Eye Brows Styler pencil for years, I was eagerly anticipating trying out their new Pro Brow Definer 1MM Tip Brow Pencil. Sadly, after carefully combing through dozens of customer reviews and testing it out myself, I have to report that MAC has seriously missed the mark with this one. Grab a latte and get cozy, because we’re about to dive deep into why this brow pencil is a major let-down.

A Faithful Following Left Frustrated

One of the most striking things that emerged from analyzing the customer reviews is the deep sense of loyalty and love that so many of us had for MAC’s original brow pencil. Review after review mentioned having used the Eye Brows Styler pencil for 5, 10, even 15+ years! As a long-time fan myself, I totally get it. That pencil was THE holy grail – it applied smoothly, lasted forever, and gave brows the perfect amount of definition.

So when MAC decided to discontinue the old faithful and replace it with this new 1MM tip version, they weren’t just messing with any old product, they were tinkering with something that had a devoted, die-hard fan base. And hoo boy, has that fan base been left disappointed and frustrated by the change.

The reviews are littered with comments like “Why change something that was already good?”, “Please bring back the original!”, and “MAC has lost a loyal customer.” Ouch. As someone who prides herself on staying on top of the latest and greatest in beauty, it pains me to see a brand I’ve adored for so long drop the ball so epically. MAC, if you’re reading this, consider this a collective plea from your brow pencil loving fans to right this wrong and bring back the OG formula that we all knew and loved!

The Neverending Cycle of Breakage

Alright, now let’s get into the nitty gritty of why this new pencil is such a fail. The number one complaint that came up over and over (and over) again? Breakage. So. Much. Breakage. Customers reported that the 1MM tip is so thin and fragile that it constantly breaks off, often after only one or two uses.

Even those who tried being extra gentle and barely twisting up any product still experienced the dreaded snap of a freshly broken tip. Cue the frustrated sighs as yet another chunk of product crumbles onto the counter instead of coating your brow hairs as intended.

As someone who takes her brow game very seriously, there is nothing more annoying than having your pencil constantly breaking on you mid-application. It disrupts your flow, wastes product, and let’s be real, ain’t nobody got time for that during the morning rush. A brow pencil should be a trusty tool that makes your routine easier, not a fickle diva that requires the utmost caution and delicate handling just to make it through one use.

Some reviewers hypothesized that perhaps the new ultra-fine tip was to blame for the chronic breakage. While I can appreciate MAC’s attempt to create a more precise applicator, it seems they prioritized a sleek, micro design over actual functionality and durability. A brow pencil that can’t even make it through one brow is not a brow pencil I want in my makeup bag, no matter how hyped the new tech is.

The Incredible Shrinking Pencil

Another major grievance that dominated the reviews was how quickly this pencil runs out compared to the old version. Despite the higher price tag (more on that later), the Pro Brow Definer seems to contain significantly less product. Customers who were used to their trusty Eye Brows Styler pencil lasting them several months were shocked to discover that this new pencil barely made it a few weeks before needing to be replaced.

Now, I’m no mathematician, but something isn’t adding up here. If you’re going to charge more for a product, there’s a reasonable expectation that you’re going to get more, not less. MAC, however, seems to have missed that memo. Several savvy reviewers did the calculations and found that the Pro Brow Definer contains only about a third of the amount of product as the old pencil did (0.03g vs 0.09g). A third of the product for a higher price? In what world does that make sense?

As a budget-conscious beauty lover, I’m all for investing in quality products that deliver real results. But I simply cannot justify shelling out more cash for a pencil that I’ll burn through in a fraction of the time. It feels like a sneaky move on MAC’s part, like they’re trying to trick us into spending more by shrinking the size and hoping we won’t notice. Well, guess what MAC, we noticed, and we are not impressed.

Even if the 1MM tip did deposit color more precisely (which, based on the many complaints about lack of pigment, it doesn’t seem to), having to repurchase so much more frequently completely negates any potential benefits. Most of us don’t have the time or budget to be constantly running to the store or placing online orders for a new brow pencil every few weeks. We need products that can keep up with our busy lives and jam-packed schedules, not ones that fizzle out faster than a New Year’s resolution.

The Disappointing Formula Flop

Faulty packaging and skimpy sizing aside, perhaps the most unforgivable sin of the Pro Brow Definer is that the actual formula just doesn’t measure up to the original. So many reviewers complained about the color payoff being subpar, requiring multiple layers and a heavy hand to achieve the same bold look they used to get effortlessly with the Eye Brows Styler.

As someone with naturally sparse brows, I need a pencil that can deliver intense pigment in just a few strokes. I don’t have the time or patience to keep layering on product, only to still end up with brows that look patchy and uneven. The old formula was a powerhouse – one swipe and you had the sharp, defined brows of your dreams. This new version? Not so much.

Other reviewers noted that the texture of the pencil felt drier and waxier than the original, making it more prone to tugging on delicate brow hairs and skipping across the skin. Instead of the smooth, creamy glide we’ve come to expect from MAC, this pencil drags and pulls, leaving behind a streaky, inconsistent finish. Not cute.

The wear time also seems to have suffered in the reformulation. Whereas the Eye Brows Styler could last through a sweaty gym session or a rainy day without budging, the Pro Brow Definer fades and smudges much more easily. For a product that claims to be waterproof, it sure doesn’t seem to stand up to the elements (or even just the natural oils on your skin) very well.

As a self-professed brow snob, I expect a lot from my products, and this pencil simply doesn’t deliver. It’s a far cry from the buttery, blendable, bulletproof formula that made me fall in love with MAC brow products in the first place. Honestly, I’ve tried drugstore pencils that perform better than this supposed “pro” definer.

The Price Hike Heard Round the World

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: the price. As mentioned earlier, not only does the Pro Brow Definer contain significantly less product than its predecessor, it also comes with a heftier price tag. I don’t know about you, but I don’t appreciate feeling like I’m being gouged at the makeup counter.

Look, I get it, inflation happens and sometimes brands need to adjust their prices. But to drastically reduce the amount of product AND charge more for it? That just feels greedy and disrespectful to loyal customers who have been supporting the brand for years.

Several reviewers expressed feeling “ripped off” and “scammed” by the price increase, especially given how quickly the pencil runs out. It’s one thing to splurge on a high-end product that lasts ages and delivers exceptional results. It’s another to shell out top dollar for something that barely makes it through a few uses before needing to be replaced.

As someone who takes great pride in curating a well-rounded makeup collection, I’m always willing to invest in quality products that I know I’ll reach for again and again. But the Pro Brow Definer just doesn’t fit that bill. It’s overpriced, underperforms, and ultimately leaves me feeling like I wasted my hard-earned cash.

I don’t think I’m alone in saying that this price hike has left a bad taste in my mouth and has me seriously reconsidering my loyalty to MAC. In a world where there are so many amazing brow products at every price point, it’s hard to justify continuing to support a brand that seems more interested in padding its bottom line than delivering real value to its customers.

The Search for a New Holy Grail

Perhaps the saddest thing to come out of this whole Pro Brow Definer debacle is watching so many once-loyal MAC fans jump ship in search of a new holy grail brow product. The reviews are full of heartbroken customers declaring that they’re done with MAC and are on the hunt for a replacement pencil from other brands.

As someone who has faithfully used MAC for all my brow needs for the better part of a decade, it genuinely pains me to even consider straying to another brand. But the truth is, the Pro Brow Definer has left me so disappointed and frustrated that I feel like I have no choice but to start exploring other options.

Some reviewers mentioned checking out brow pencils from Anastasia Beverly Hills, Benefit, and even drugstore brands like NYX and e.l.f. as potential dupes for the old Eye Brows Styler. And honestly, I can’t blame them. When a tried and true favorite lets you down so epically, it’s only natural to want to see what else is out there.

It’s a shame, because MAC had such a good thing going with their original brow pencil. They had a loyal fan base who loved and relied on that product. But by discontinuing it and replacing it with a subpar alternative, they’ve essentially gifted their competitors a whole slew of new customers on a silver platter.

I mean, I get wanting to innovate and improve upon existing formulas. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about it. The right way is to listen to customer feedback, extensively test new products before launching, and make sure any changes are actual improvements, not downgrades. The wrong way is to take a beloved product, strip it of everything that made it great, jack up the price, and then gaslight customers who complain by telling them they’re just not using it correctly (yes, I’ve seen those canned responses from MAC floating around, and no, they’re not fooling anyone).

MAC, if you’re reading this, consider this a wake-up call. You had something special with the Eye Brows Styler, and you threw it away in pursuit of a flashy new gimmick that no one asked for. If you want to win back the trust and loyalty of your once-devoted fans, you need to go back to the drawing board and give us a brow pencil that actually lives up to the quality and performance we’ve come to expect from your brand.

Until then, don’t be surprised if you see a mass exodus of former MAC devotees scouring the shelves at Sephora and Ulta, desperately searching for a new brow pencil to fill the void you’ve left in our makeup bags and in our hearts.

The Bottom Line

Alright beauties, we’ve reached the end of this wild ride of a review. If you’ve stuck with me this far, you’re a real one. Let’s recap, shall we?

The MAC Pro Brow Definer 1MM Tip Brow Pencil is, in a word, a bust. What could have been a sleek new addition to our brow arsenals turned out to be a massive disappointment on practically every front. From the constant breakage to the pitiful amount of product to the lackluster formula, this pencil fails to deliver on its promises and pales in comparison to its beloved predecessor.

As a longtime MAC fan and brow pencil aficionado, it truly breaks my heart to have to write such a scathing review. But the truth is, the Pro Brow Definer just doesn’t measure up to the high standards we’ve come to expect from this iconic brand. It’s overpriced, underperforming, and ultimately not worth the hype or the heartache.

If you, like me, are a die-hard devotee of the original Eye Brows Styler pencil, my advice is to stock up on any remaining stock you can find and start searching for a suitable alternative from another brand. It pains me to say it, but MAC has lost my trust and my business with this brow pencil blunder.

To MAC, I say this: you had a real gem in the Eye Brows Styler, and you threw it away in pursuit of a gimmicky new product that no one asked for and even fewer people liked. If you want to win back the hearts and brows of your once-loyal fans, it’s time to go back to the drawing board and give us a pencil that actually delivers on quality, performance, and value. Until then, don’t be surprised if you see us flocking to your competitors in search of a new holy grail.

And to you, my fellow brow enthusiasts, I say this: don’t settle for subpar products, no matter how hyped or how high-end the brand may be. Your brows (and your wallet) deserve better than the MAC Pro Brow Definer. Keep searching, keep experimenting, and most importantly, keep holding brands accountable for delivering the quality and value we deserve.

Thanks for sticking with me through this novel of a review. May your brows always be bold, your pencils always be sharp, and your makeup bag always be full of products that make you feel like the fierce, fabulous beauty queen you are. Until next time, my loves!

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