MAC Brush Cleanser – Makeup Brush Cleanser Review

Hi everyone, it’s Emily your trusted beauty bestie! Today I want to dive deep into a product that I consider an absolutely essential part of my makeup routine – the MAC Brush Cleanser. As a beauty blogger and self-professed makeup junkie, I’ve tried my fair share of brush cleansers over the years. But time and time again, I find myself coming back to this cult-favorite product from MAC.

So what makes the MAC Brush Cleanser so special? Let’s break it down:

Deep Cleansing Power

First and foremost, this brush cleanser does an incredible job at thoroughly cleaning brushes and sponges of all traces of makeup, dirt and oils. With just a small amount of product, it effortlessly breaks down even the most stubborn long-wear and waterproof formulas.

Many reviewers rave about its ability to make their brushes look “like new” again, even ones that they thought were permanently stained. As reviewer Destiny shared, “It removed the most stubborn and cakey makeup on my friend’s brushes.”

I personally love using it on my foundation and concealer brushes which tend to get gunked up quickly with daily use. A quick cleanse with this and they’re back to their original pristine condition. No more caked on foundation interfering with the brush’s performance!

The key is the cleanser’s unique emulsifying formula that latches onto every last trace of product in the brush fibres. Unlike some other cleansers that just seem to smear around the makeup, this one truly dissolves it away.

Gentle and Conditioning Formula

Another huge plus of the MAC Brush Cleanser is that while it’s incredibly effective at cleaning, it’s also very gentle. It has conditioning properties that keep natural and synthetic brush hairs soft and pliable without drying them out.

As a beauty blogger, the state of my brushes is super important to me. Scratchy, brittle brushes that have been stripped of moisture are a nightmare to work with and apply makeup horribly. With the MAC Brush Cleanser, you don’t have to worry about that at all.

Reviewers like Fancy B and MissyG praised how gentle it is while still being so effective at cleaning. Fancy B wrote a detailed review explaining, “It’s thorough yet gentle and conditioning. If you’ve got expensive/delicate brushes and want to be extra gentle, I will clean exclusively with this.”

On the flip side, a few reviewers found it was almost too gentle and didn’t give enough of a sudsy lather for their liking. But I actually prefer that, as heavy suds are often a sign of harsh cleansing agents. The MAC cleanser has more of a light emulsification that I find rinses away cleanly without residue.

It Prolongs the Life of Brushes

Investing in a good brush cleanser like this one from MAC can actually save you money in the long run. Why? Because it helps prolong the life of your brushes! Makeup brushes, especially high-quality ones, are not cheap. Proper care is essential to keep them in tip top shape for their entire lifespan.

Reviewer Katiee said it best – “I have been using the Mac brush cleaner for 10 years and have never had to replace a MAC brush yet.” That is the power of good brush hygiene!

Think about it – old makeup, oils from your skin, dust, and bacteria can all build up in the bristles over time, leading to breakage, shedding, and misshapen brushes that don’t perform as well. Regular cleansing removes this damaging buildup and keeps the integrity of the bristles intact.

As we learned from reviewer Susanna who has used it loyally for 10 years, the MAC Brush Cleanser “effectively removes all traces of makeup residue from the brushes and disinfects at the same time.” That cleansing and disinfecting action is key for both the appearance and health of your brushes.

Easy and Quick to Use

Arguably one of the best features of this brush cleanser is how quick and easy it is to use. Let’s be real, as a busy woman, I don’t have time for a complicated, drawn-out brush washing session. The MAC Brush Cleanser makes it so easy to clean on the go.

The most popular method is to pour a bit of the cleanser into a small bowl or the cap, dip your brush in and swirl it around on a paper towel, rinse, and repeat until the brush is clean. Voilà, you’re done! The whole process takes mere minutes.

Some reviewers like Stacey have even come up with other convenient techniques – “I put some cleaner on a washcloth and wipe my brush through that solution. Works well, dries relatively quickly and doesn’t get in the way if I need to use a brush soon after.”

I’m personally a fan of using it with a textured rubber brush cleaning mat to help really work the cleanser into the bristles. But honestly, it does a fantastic job even without any extra tools. All you need is the cleanser itself, making it perfect for travel too.

The fact that it has a quick dry time is the icing on the cake. No one wants to wait around for hours for their brushes to dry before using them again. With the MAC Brush Cleanser, I find my brushes are ready to go again in just 10-15 minutes for a light cleaning. Even for a more thorough wash, they’re usually fully dry within a couple hours.

Great for Spot Cleaning

In addition to using it for regular deep cleansing, the MAC Brush Cleanser is excellent for quick spot cleaning in between makeup applications. When I’m doing a client’s makeup or my own glam looks, I’m often using the same brushes for multiple shades. A quick clean with this in between ensures there’s no leftover pigment muddying up the colors.

Reviewer Luz had a great tip for this – “I like to use this for my light work brushes with a baby wipe. Like my concealer brushes, it cleans them up nicely.” Having a small bottle and some wipes on hand at your makeup station makes it so easy to quickly freshen up your brushes as you go.

It Smells Great

Maybe this is a small point, but I absolutely adore the clean, slightly floral scent of this brush cleanser. It’s light, fresh and dissipates quickly so it won’t linger on your brushes. But it makes the brush cleaning process feel a little more luxurious and spa-like.

Some other brush cleansers I’ve tried either smelled very harsh and chemical or had a sickly sweet artificial fragrance. The MAC one is a nice balance of being pleasant but not overpowering. Reviewer Emily noted “It also works when pouring it onto sponges and rinsing them off.” I totally agree, it cuts through the foundation residue on sponges so well and leaves them squeaky clean and lightly scented.

A Little Goes a Long Way

At a first glance, the MAC Brush Cleanser may seem a bit pricey for the size. But trust me when I say a little goes a very long way with this product! You only need a small amount each time you cleanse your brushes, so a bottle actually lasts quite a while.

Many reviewers commented on the great value this provides. MissyG said “It’s economical – a little bit goes a long way – YOU NEED THIS for your beloved brushes!!!” while MzDani shared “I’ve been using this cleaner for about 15 years and I have no intention on trying anything else. It cleans my brushes thoroughly and leaves them feeling like new. Plus, the price is good, so why would I try anything else?”

Even though there were a few reviewers who felt like they had to use a lot of product to thoroughly clean their brushes, the vast majority found that just a small amount did the trick. It’s all about finding the right ratio for your tools and not over-saturating them unnecessarily. When used correctly, one bottle can literally last you months and months, even with regular use.

Works on Both Natural and Synthetic Brushes

Whether your brush collection consists of natural, synthetic, or a mix of both types of bristles, the MAC Brush Cleanser works wonderfully on them all. It’s a common misconception that natural and synthetic brushes need different types of cleansers. But this one is formulated to be safe and effective on any type of bristle.

I’ve used it on my whole spectrum of brushes, from synthetic foundation brushes to natural hair eye shader brushes, with great results across the board. It even works well on those tricky duo-fiber brushes! Susanna pointed out “I have used this brush cleanser to clean all my makeup brushes for the past 10 years. I have used the beauty blender cleansing oil to compare and I end up going back to this MAC brush cleanser because it effectively removes all traces of makeup residue from the brushes and disinfects at the same time.” So it really is an all-in-one cleanser for your entire collection.

Some Caveats

As with any product, there are a few caveats to keep in mind. While the vast majority of reviewers (including myself) absolutely love this brush cleanser, it’s not going to be the perfect match for everyone.

One of the main complaints was that some people found it dried out the bristles on their brushes over time with prolonged use. A few mentioned it left their hands feeling dry after cleaning. If you have super sensitive skin or are prone to dry, itchy patches on your hands, you might want to use gloves while cleaning.

There were also a small number of reviews saying it didn’t fully clean their very dense brushes, like foundation or kabuki brushes, as well as they’d like. In those cases, it’s possible they just needed to use a bit more product or do an extra cleanse. But it’s something to be aware of if you have mostly very dense bristle brushes.

The other thing I want to mention is that while this brush cleanser does an excellent job of disinfecting and removing light staining, it’s not a miracle worker on brushes that have been badly abused. If you have very old makeup brushes with serious staining, buildup, or matting, you might need a more intensive treatment to get them fully cleaned up. But for regular maintenance and cleaning, the MAC Brush Cleanser is perfection!

How It Compares to Other Brush Cleansers

Of course, the MAC Brush Cleanser isn’t the only option out there. As I mentioned, I’ve experimented with my fair share of cleaners over the years. Here’s how I feel it compares to some other popular options:

Compared to the Beauty Blender Liquid Cleanser: The Beauty Blender cleanser is nice, but I find the MAC one easier to work with on brushes since it’s a thinner consistency. The Beauty Blender one is better for sponges though!

Compared to the Sephora Collection Brush Shampoo: The Sephora one suds up a bit more which some people like. But overall, I find the MAC Brush Cleanser more effective while being just as gentle if not more so.

Compared to DIY brush cleansers (like dish soap + olive oil): I’ve tried the DIY route in the past and found it really hit or miss. Sometimes they worked okay, other times they left an oily residue on my brushes or dried them out. For me, the consistency and reliability of the MAC Brush Cleanser is worth the extra cost. Plus it saves me time from having to mix up a DIY concoction.

At the end of the day, it really comes down to personal preference. If you’ve tried the MAC Brush Cleanser and didn’t get on with it for whatever reason, one of these other options could work better for you! But in my experience, the MAC one is the gold standard and well worth the hype.

Final Thoughts

Phew, that was a lot of information! If you couldn’t tell, I’m pretty passionate about the MAC Brush Cleanser. It’s just such a solid, reliable product that does exactly what it claims. I love that I can always count on it to make my brushes look and feel like new again.

Like any beauty product, it may not be the ideal choice for every single person. But based on the thousands of glowing reviews and my own experience, I feel very confident recommending it to my readers and friends.

I’d especially recommend it if you’re looking for a brush cleanser that:

  • Thoroughly cleanses brushes of all makeup types
  • Is quick and easy to use
  • Helps prolong the life of your brushes
  • Works on both natural and synthetic bristles
  • Has a pleasant scent
  • Is gentle yet effective
  • Provides great value for money

If that sounds like what you need in a brush cleanser, definitely give the MAC one a try!

I genuinely hope you found this in-depth review helpful and informative. My goal is always to provide my honest, unbiased opinion to help you make the best choices for your beauty routine.

If you have any other questions about the MAC Brush Cleanser or brush care in general, drop them in the comments below! I’m always happy to chat more. And if you’ve tried this cleanser yourself, I’d love to hear about your experience with it.

Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog for more beauty tips, tricks, and reviews. Until next time, stay fabulous!


xoxo Emily

Buy on Amazon: Here

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